The Rock and the Ripple Effect
“I love you, Lord;
you are my strength.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.” (Psalm 18:1-2)
Have you ever taken a rock and skipped it onto a lake? I remember camping in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York, spending hours skipping rocks. I loved seeing how far the rock traveled and how many ripples it created.
God wants to use you to help people come to know Jesus. You can be a part of that ripple effect.
God wants to use YOU.
He loves you, created you especially for a purpose and a reason and He has specially chosen you.
Look at a rock. It’s not perfect, it’s rough around the edges.
Just like us.
God is not looking for perfect hearts but yielded, open hearts.
Each of us has a story. Each of us is a little rough around the edges. But that’s when God says, “That’s ok….I can use you! I can use all the cracks and imperfections you have to make something beautiful, because that’s how I see you. You are beautiful.”
Open your heart to Jesus today. Let Him be your rock. Let Him be your strength. When we open our hearts to Him, He can use us in ways we never imagined. It’s then that the ripple effect happens. It is then that people begin to see something different about you.
Will you be part of the ripple effect?
I love You, Lord. You are my strength. You are my rock, my fortress, and my Savior.
You are the one I can run to and find protection. Thank You Lord that You keep me safe and I can find protection behind Your shield. Thank You that I can always call on You – in good times and in tough times. You are worthy to be praised. Lord, will You show me where I can be a blessing to someone today? Please show me someone who needs Your love – and use me Lord – please open the door to share the Good News and bring people to know You. We love You Lord. Amen.
We pray this encourages and blesses your day! Please know we are praying for you and know God will use you in a mighty way!
Christine Batchelder