Angels are Looking Out for You
“For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.”
Psalm 91:11-12, NLT
When I was about 17 years old, I took a job as a life-guard and swimming teacher at the YMCA. It was about 20 minutes away from home. I had this old, little, bright yellow, beat-up Subaru. It reminded me of a yellow submarine.
It was summertime, and as I drove to work that morning, I could hear a rattling noise with the car. I thought something must be wrong. As soon as I got to the pool, I called my Uncle Louie, who told me after work to bring it to the mechanic shop he worked at. He would take a look at it.
That afternoon, as I drove on a very busy highway, the car clunked out. Stopped. Working. My heart raced and I quickly veered the car to the side, off the shoulder of the highway. I still had about 10 miles to go. I didn’t have a cell phone and wondered, what should I do? Finally, I decided to start walking. I was scared. I didn’t want anyone to approach me and kept praying, “God, please help me. Please let me get there and be safe.”
I’ll never forget what happened.
A tiny red car with an elderly couple pulled over. My heart began racing as I kept thinking, “Oh no, please don’t talk to me, don’t stop me.” The man was driving and there was a lady in the front seat. She began to talk to me. “Can we help you?” She said.
“Oh no,” I curtly replied. “Thank you. I’m ok.”
But she persisted and persisted. I remember her saying, “We have a daughter and we would want her to be safe on the road. Please, let us help you.”
I got in the car and I remembered seeing a cross dangling on the rear view mirror. The couple graciously took me to where my Uncle Louie worked. The whole time, they were so loving, so encouraging. But here’s the weird thing. Once I got there and got out of the car, as I turned around to say thank you, there was no one there. It was like they vanished out of thin air. I kept thinking, “What just happened and where did they go?” It was impossible for them to be gone that quick.
Even my uncle said, “How did you get here?”
Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
I can’t explain it, but I believe God ordered angels to help and protect me. I was so grateful.
As we continue to look at Psalm 91, let’s look at verses 11-12.
“For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.”
Psalm 91:11-12, NLT
God has commanded angels to guard you. God has given angels, not your circumstance, not your situation, the authority to act on your behalf.
God is your refuge and strength. He is your protection and he has commanded angels to come to your aid. Maybe, you too, had a situation like I described that you can’t explain.
Be encouraged!
As you pray and read Psalm 91 today, proclaim God’s promise that He will send His angels to guard and protect you – to minister to all your needs.
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your mighty protection. Thank You that whenever we are in danger, we are not alone. Thank You for sending Your angels to help us when we need it most. We trust in You Lord. Thank You for being with us, for guiding us. You are faithful. Help us Lord, to lean on You. Help us to trust in You more, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Praying for you today that God will strengthen and encourage you through this Psalm!
–Christine Batchelder