What are Your Feet Fitted With?
“For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.”
(Ephesians 6:15 NLT)
I remember running my first 15k (9.32 miles). I was so excited AND nervous. Because I had never run that far before, I thought I would give my running shoes some “extra” comfort by putting an additional padded insert inside the shoe.
Oh boy, that was the WRONG move.
My feet hurt so badly at the end. I couldn’t feel my toes. I limped all the way home and ended up getting injured. I learned the hard way – shoes are important – especially in a long journey.
The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the churches in Ephesus, while he was imprisoned in Rome. In Ephesians 6, he is specifically talking about a piece of armor believers should fit themselves with – feet fitted with the Gospel of peace.
Roman soldiers, during Paul’s time, wore shoes called “caligae.” These were heavy military sandals—half boot, half sandal. These sandals were the sign of an equipped soldier and one ready to move.
The openness of the caligae enabled the soldier to wear them all day. They could march, work, or stand in them for hours without any discomfort. It was common that soldiers would march 25 miles. Their feet might hurt, but they would have no blisters. The bottom of their shoes, the caligae, was fitted with sharp studs. Not only would they protect his feet over rough ground, but they also enabled him to use them in the battle to stomp on fallen enemies.
As you can imagine, a soldier’s shoes formed a firm foundation for his military weapons and equipment. Soldiers needed firm footing in order to concentrate on the battle at hand.
We, as believers in God’s army, need that firm footing as well. One of the greatest things Satan wants to destroy in your life is your PEACE. He wants to stir up disagreements, division, disruption—anything that will throw you and your family into a tailspin. He wants you filled with worry and anxiety.
Look at the word “prepared.” The Greek word translated is hetoimasia. It actually occurs several times with the Septuagint (the Greek version of the Old Testament) and its implication is to be sure-footed, established—READY TO GO.
We need to be sure sure-footed, established, grounded and ready to go with the good news of Jesus.
We live in a time right now, where it seems there is NO peace. Watching the news right now might have you in fear. We can get caught up with worry and anxiety with all that’s going on all around us. But if we hesitate or worry, we won’t be effective soldiers.
With the readiness of the Gospel of peace, you don’t have to fear any mines on the battlefields. You can advance through tough terrain.
Did you know that the enemies of the Roman Empire would sometimes place sharp, spiked objects on the ground in front of them before a battle? If a soldier was not wearing his proper caligae—he could find himself injured, crippled, or killed. Shoes were vital.
The same is true for us. We must put on our shoes of peace. Satan wants to use every opportunity to litter our path with situations that will break us down. This part of the armor can give us the protection we need to keep moving across the battlefield.
The Gospel of peace brings HOPE to a believer’s life.
What is throwing off your peace?
Is it a family feud?
Is it job loss?
Is it a betrayal from a friend or a loved one?
Is it difficulties at work?
Is it what’s going on in the country right now?
Peace grounds us like the Roman soldier’s shoes dig into the ground.
Just as the Roman soldier walked miles and miles, know you can walk on a firm foundation because of our Prince of Peace (Isaiah 40:1). Life is not easy. We must have the right footwear for the journey. Jesus gives us the right shoes to go the distance.
One more important thing to learn from the Roman soldiers. Roman troops advanced in formation—they were TOGETHER. This intimidated the enemy and often, they would plow right through any threats they faced.
In the same way, the Church is stronger when we walk TOGETHER – fitted with the shoes of peace. TOGETHER we can help each other, push each other, encourage one another to remember the peace we have.
Put on your armor.
Strap on the belt of truth—knowing who God is, knowing His Word.
Fasten the Breastplate of righteousness and protect your heart.
And fit your feet with the shoes of peace – knowing we carry the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In Jesus, we have the victory. No matter what tactics the enemy may throw at us, God has everything under control.
Father, help us to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of Your might. Today, we put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we know we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers , against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. We put on today, the Gospel of peace, knowing You are grounding us just like the picture of the Roman soldier’s shoes digging into the ground. Thank You for guiding us. Thank You for protecting us. Thank You for strengthening us and giving us PEACE. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
We hope this encourages you, strengthens you today and gives you peace. Know we are praying for you and that God loves you and cares deeply about you.
Christine Batchelder