Psalm 91:2 – What Are You Speaking?

What are You Speaking?

This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him
Psalm 91:2, NLT

We’re continuing to look at Psalm 91.

I want to encourage you today to be mindful of what you are speaking.  Words are powerful.  It’s so important to speak life over your situation and circumstance.

Psalm 91:2, “This I declare about the LORD; He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God and I trust him.”

That verse begins with three words we may miss or glance over quickly. 

“This I declare.”

Declare means that you are not just saying something – you are saying it in an emphatic manner.

This is so important to not only speak our trust in God, but to declare it BOLDLY.  We speak and talk to God what He has promised us.  There is power in speaking God’s Word.

Proverbs 18:20-21 says, “From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

These statements in Proverbs talk about the power of our words. What we say will return to us, either adding to our life or subtracting from it. There are consequences to what we speak.

Therefore, there is power in speaking life and victory over your situation. 


 “Lord you are my refuge.  Lord you are my Fortress.  You are my God and I trust in You.”

Remember Jesus never promised us an easy ride.  He told His disciples in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trials.  But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

Envision Jesus saying about any situation today, “In this world you will face the COVID, job loss, relationship difficulties, heartbreak, death, health crisis — BUT take heart – I have overcome the world.”

What does this verse imply?  It shows that God is bigger than any problem or situation we may face.  Our home is not here, it’s in heaven.  In the end, Jesus has the victory – so do not fear.

Do NOT fear.

Praise Him.  Thank Him in advance for what He is doing.  Even though you may not see it.  Even though you may not feel it, know and believe He IS working behind the scenes.

The more we say it out loud, the more we DECLARE it, the more confident we will become.  Power is released in our words.

He is personally your shelter.  He is personally your protection.  God must be our source.  Trust in Him today.  Speak those words of life.

Prayer: Father, today I declare and shout it out that YOU alone are my refuge and strength. YOU are my place of safety. YOU are my God and I place my trust in YOU.

Lord, thank you that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I thank You for the promises You have provided in Psalm 91. Thank you for Your mighty hand of protection. Help me to speak words of life over my situation and circumstance. I declare victory over every situation and circumstance that’s been troubling me and I thank you Lord, that You will use whatever I am going through to bring more people to know You. In Jesus’ mighty name.