“I rejoice at Your word
Psalm 119:162
As one who finds great treasure.”
Treasure hunting is big business these days. There are more than a few TV shows and even a few podcasts devoted to the subject—telling tales of those who travel deep underground in search of a hidden stash of gold or deep beneath the waves to explore a shipwreck scattered across the ocean floor. While some of us are content with childhood memories of digging in the sand at the beach, others have been overtaken with a passion for the hunt. Armed with metal detectors and maps, their life is consumed with the quest.
A lifetime spent searching for elusive treasure is nothing in comparison to a lifetime of studying the Scriptures; the treasures found in God’s Word are of far more value than gold doubloons or glittering gemstones. As Billy Graham once said, “The fact that God is infinite makes the study of His Word a lifetime occupation.”
Although few of us have the ability to “quit our day jobs” in pursuit of the study of the Bible, we as believers should make it our goal to open God’s Word and search for His truth on a daily basis. The spiritual gems contained there will never rust or deteriorate, and they will transform our hearts and give us direction and purpose for our lives.

“Make me understand the way of Your precepts;
Psalm 119:27
so shall I meditate on Your wonderful works.”
The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove was founded to be a place where believers could feel God’s presence, hear His voice, and discover the truths of His Word. While every Cove seminar offers life-changing Bible teaching, soul-stirring worship, and the fellowship of other believers, our Intensive Bible Trainings are designed for anyone who wants to take an in-depth approach to understanding a specific topic or section of the Bible.
These 5-day intensive seminars feature seminary-level instructors who will guide you in digging deep into the Scriptures. Guests who join us for these week-long “treasure hunts” leave The Cove with a deeper understanding and renewed passion for God’s Word. Ready to start digging? Join us for an Intensive Bible Training!
“The Lord led me to commit to return to deep, prolonged study of Scripture, something I have not done since I left teaching the Bible several years ago. It is my desire, but not a high enough priority. I pray for the discipline to follow through.”
Recent Attendee
“Before revival can take place in our country, it must take place in me. This week there has been revival in my heart and a renewed hunger for His Word and for His service, and a renewed call to prayer.”
Recent Attendee
Lessons Learned: The Lives of Elijah and Elisha
with R.T. Kendall
July 11-15, 2022
Judges: A Bridge to the Covenant and The King
with Harvey Hartman
August 1-5, 2022
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus
with Gary Habermas
August 22-26, 2022
Joseph: From Prison to the Palace
with Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
August 29-September 2, 2022