Joy in the Journey
“I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.”
(Psalm 16:7-9, NLT)
I don’t know about you, but often times I get so focused on a goal and where I want to go that I forget there is joy is in the journey. I forget to take a step back and slow down.
There IS joy in the journey.
Along the journey you are learning and growing.
Along the journey there may be some surprises and there may be some setbacks, but all help to shape you.
This Psalm, written by David, is a beautiful account of his relationship with the Lord. It’s a celebration of joy David had, even when he faced great danger and trials. No matter what, David realized he could experience true joy in his journey because he knew the Lord.
Have you faced a trial or been stressed and lost your joy? It happened to me, until a little boy surprised me.
I was at a speaking engagement. I had gotten very little sleep the night before and there were a number of trials I was facing at home. I felt stressed. Suddenly a sweet little boy came up to me. He couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7.
“Miss Christine,” he said as he came up and tugged my arm. “Can I ask you something?”
The sweet little boy stopped me right in my tracks. I bent down and smiled, “Of course you can ask me something…what is it?” I asked.
With a great big smile he looked at me intently and suddenly his face turned very serious, “How is Caleb?”
My eyes welled up with tears of joy as this sweet boy asked about my Golden Shepherd mix, Caleb. This little boy cared about Caleb. We laughed about how loving Caleb is and how funny he is. I sat there with my iPhone showing him pictures of Caleb’s latest adventure as this adorable, sweet boy asked if I could give Caleb a hug for him. This little boy touched my heart and soul so much. He reminded me about the joy in the journey. It was a gift from God.
There IS joy in the journey.
My encouragement to you today is to remember to slow down. Remember this psalm when times seem tough. Don’t lose your joy.
Appreciate the simple moment and be glad at the surprises.
When you find joy in the journey, your heart will be glad!
Prayer: (adapted from Psalm 16)
O Lord, please keep us safe. We come to you for refuge. You are our Lord and everything good comes from you. Lord, You alone are our inheritance and our cup of blessing. You guard all that is ours. Please guard our hearts and minds and keep us focused on You. Thank You for guiding us. Thank You for always being with us. We will not be shaken because You are near. Help us to be joyful in our journey. We rejoice in You. Thank You for showing us the way of life and granting us the joy of Your presence!
May the JOY of the Lord be your strength today!
We are praying for you and hope this encourages you.