Time is Precious
“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
The psalmist is trying to encourage us to reflect on our life. Our lives have purpose and meaning. But how are you spending your time? Are you making the most of your life?
Growing up, I always wanted what others had. I thought life was incredibly unfair. My dad was blind and my mom was legally blind. We didn’t have much money. While I’d watch other families drive to their destination, we either had to walk everywhere or take a bus.
My dad, with his German Shepherd guide dog by his side, would faithfully walk me to school every day. Every day, my father made a point to encourage me with his inspirational talks. I remember, at the time, watching all the cars pass by and grumbling thinking, “Why can’t we just be like everyone else? Why can’t my parents drive? Why do we have to struggle?”
What I wouldn’t give to take a walk with my dad now. He went to heaven when I was 10 years old. My dad knew the value of time. Even though we faced many setbacks, I look back now and am so thankful for the time my dad spent with me. Many years later, I look back and realize those moments, those walks–that precious TIME we had–was priceless.
Don’t let time pass you by. Time IS precious. Be present TODAY. Today is a gift to use wisely. Maybe, God has placed someone on your heart. Reach out and encourage them today.
Prayer: Father, thank you for the gift of today. O, Lord, help us to number our days. This is the day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Help us Lord to value our time and make the most of each day. Lord, show us who needs encouragement today – show us who needs a touch of Your love. Use us today in mighty ways – so that they come to know You in a tangible way. We love You, Lord!
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
I’m praying you will be intentional today and make the most of today. May God bless and encourage you in mighty ways!
–Christine Batchelder