The Father’s Gift
Christmas is the most thrilling season of the year. As we look back over the years, memories of many Christmases flood our minds. Christmas cards that we read and reread, the smell of pine drifting through the house, the fireplace crackling – all of these things turn our thoughts to those we love.
Ruth and I treasured these moments spent with family and friends each year as we gathered to celebrate the Christmas message: a message of hope and joy and love.
But Christmas means something far deeper than human good will. It is the loving remembrance of the birth of the Savior. Over two thousand years ago, on a night the world has come to call Christmas, a young Jewish maiden went through the experience countless mothers had before her, and would since: She brought forth a child. But this was no ordinary child. This was the unique Son of God, sent from Heaven to save us from our sins (Matthew 1:21).
Amid the glitter and busyness of the season, may you not lose sight of the miracle and meaning of that Christmas night. With shepherds and the wise men, let us fall down and worship Him!
-Billy Graham
Original post: https://billygrahamlibrary.org/christmas-the-fathers-gift-a-devotional-by-billy-graham/