Thanksgiving: A Psalm by Quinn Graham

As we approach the week of Thanksgiving,  it is a good time to remember everything that we can be thankful for and to give God our praise. Quinn Graham, Will Graham’s son and Billy Graham’s great-grandson, has written a special  psalm to share. This one, entitled “Thanksgiving” is a great reminder to be thankful. Let’s start our weekend with a thankful heart.


The day of thanks and giving has come

Thanksgiving is the day where we give thanks to God                               

He gave us life

He died for us, for our   sins

He gave us this land which now we call home

Now it’s our time to give our thanks to God

We celebrate our Thanksgiving in the name of God

We pray before we cut the turkey that He has provided us

We gather our families to have a special dinner

The dinner wouldn’t be there without God

We have faith and hope in God

We give our thanks to God

God gives us eternal life

That is what Thanksgiving is about

 By: Quinn Graham

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