Lions and Cobras and Serpents, Oh My!
You will trample upon lions and cobras; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!
Psalm 91:13
We’ve been looking at Psalm 91. Today we focus in on verse 13.
When I read this verse, I thought of all the creatures my family has seen in Florida that can be dangerous – alligators, snakes, coyotes, and sometimes, bears.
This verse continues the theme of the passage – the safety and protection of God.
What does it mean to trample upon the lions?
Think of the characteristics of lions. Lions are bold. They can prance their way to meet you head on, stare you down, and come up unexpected.
The psalmist is using this as an illustration. Lions in your life could be those bold and loud problems that seemed to come out of nowhere and envelope you with a roar. You suddenly lost your job. You receive a phone call that a loved one passed away.
There are certain difficulties we will all face, at one point or another. Some trials will make us shiver and cower. Others will make us feel like we want to run.
Fears, anxiety, worry can all grip our hearts from the “lion” that can make you feel powerless. That’s just what the enemy wants.
But as believers in Jesus, you no longer need to walk in fear. You are NOT powerless. God has given you HIS power. The Psalmist here goes from talking about God protecting us, to taking the authority God GIVES us! As Christians, we have been given authority over the enemy. The enemy does not have power over you – unless you give it to him.
How do you seize that authority? The answer is dwelling in the secret place of the most high. It’s a personal relationship with God that is your assurance against the “lions” of life. God even gives us the authority to trample upon them. He is our place of refuge, a place of security to which we can run to.
Believe it today.
Prayer: Father, thank You that You have given us the authority to trample the “lion” problems of our lives. We run to you – seeking that secret place of safety. You are our refuge and stress. You are our mighty protection. Thank You for being with us, for guiding us. You are faithful. Help us Lord, to lean on You. Help us to trust in You more, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Praying for you today that God will strengthen and encourage you through this Psalm!
–Christine Batchelder