Psalm 91:6 – Do Not Fear Sickness

Do Not Fear Sickness

“Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.”

Psalm 91:6 NLT

We’re continuing to look at Psalm 91. Last week, we looked at verse 5. Now, we are focusing on verse 6.

But first, let’s look back at verse 3.

“For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.”
Psalm 91:3

Disease is mentioned in verse three, and now, verse six. Not only does God deliver us from those traps laid out by the enemy, He also delivers us from deadly disease. The NIV version of this verse says “pestilence”.

Check out the dictionary definition of pestilence. “Any virulent or fatal disease; an epidemic that hits masses of people – any deadly disease that attaches itself to one’s body with the intent to destroy.”

Now to verse 6 where that promise is repeated. When something is mentioned more than once, we need to pay close attention.

“Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
    nor the disaster that strikes at midday.” (Psalm 91:6, NLT)

When something is repeated, the writer is trying to signify its importance. Let’s stop, look, and learn the purpose for repeating this. It’s a promise. 

God is trying to get our attention here repeating this promise.

Imagine God saying to you again and again, “I said it before, but I want to say it again so you will really hear it and understand it.  You don’t have to be afraid of any disease or sickness. You don’t have to walk in fear of cancer. You don’t have to walk in fear of COVID. You don’t have to walk in fear. I am with you.”

Practically, how do we live that out?

The opposite of walking in fear is having peace. Jesus can give us a peace that surpasses all understanding.  (Philippians 4:7)

Having peace, starts with grounding ourselves in God’s Word and taking every thought captive. Paul told the Corinthians, “And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

What does this mean?

This means what you think about has an impact on you. It means our words, our thoughts are important. God has provided us a way to overcome negative thoughts, fears and anxiety. It’s a matter of letting go and giving them to Him.

As followers of Jesus, we do not have to be afraid of the sicknesses and diseases that are epidemic in the world today.

The enemy is trying to cause problems. He is trying to cause fear, panic, and worry. He’s trying to catch us by surprise and knock us down.

Don’t let him. Remember God is faithful.

Hold onto His word.

Claim the promise of Psalm 91 today for you, for your family, for your loved ones. Remember, His Word is true no matter what our circumstances look like.

We do not need to fear.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your presence today. Thank You for always being with us and that we don’t have to walk in fear. Please help us in those moments where fear, worry, and anxiety may sweep in. Help me to walk in Your presence, knowing diseases hold no power over Your protection. You have provided the victory through Jesus. Please be with us today, walk with us, guide us – in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.