Obstacles in Your Way?
“But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, ‘Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.’”
–Numbers 13:30
Does the road ahead of you appear daunting? Do you feel like you are facing giants? I want to encourage you today that the way you respond is important. Your attitude is key.
Just take a look at Caleb in The Bible. I absolutely love his example and his response in a very tough situation. The Lord commanded Moses to send 12 spies into the land of Canaan to investigate. God wanted to give that land to the Israelites. When they returned, all but two came back, grumbling, complaining, and were fearful. They came back telling Moses how plentiful the land was – the fruit, the land was flowing with milk and honey. But they felt there was a problem. There were giants. They felt people were powerful and the land was fortified – how would they ever take it over?
But not Caleb and Joshua.
Caleb and Joshua, looked at the situation and saw God’s promises, power and provision. In fact, Caleb was courageous and not afraid to stand alone. He comes forward and takes a stand. He responds in faith. Caleb remembers what God has promised them. “But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. Let’s go at once to take the land, he said. We can certainly conquer it!” (Numbers 13:30)
It was a bold stand and he was certainly outnumbered by all the grumbling people. But Caleb knew God was with them. God honored that. God’s disciple was severe against the spies, but Caleb and Joshua were allowed to enter the promised land.
What obstacles are in your way?
Remember what God has promised you. Remember WHO God is—He is faithful.
He is bigger and stronger than anything we might face.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You and praise You for who You are – You are good, faithful, powerful. When situations or obstacles come our way, help us to see everything in life in the light of who YOU are. Build our faith today! Thank You Lord, that through every obstacle we face, You are teaching us, molding us to be more like Christ. Give us strength for the journey, wisdom for any decisions that must be made, and encourage us today. We thank You, Lord for all of what You are doing, in Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen!
We hope and pray this encourages you today. Remember, to be bold and courageous like Caleb and Joshua. May God strengthen you and boost your faith!
Christine Batchelder