What are You Carrying?
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”(1 Peter 5:7)
You have probably seen this verse before. This comes from Peter’s letter to a group of believers who were facing challenges, heartaches, and persecution in the Roman Empire. He was trying to encourage them and give them hope. No matter what they faced, these believers needed to remember and hold onto their real identity – in Christ.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”(1 Peter 5:7)
I had this silly idea of multi-tasking. I had a number of books due back at the library, so I thought I would run to the library and back. When I say run, I literally mean “run.” After all, it was just a couple of small books and I wanted to get some exercise. The books couldn’t have weighed more than five pounds altogether. No big deal, right?
As I first started out, it seemed easy. I could carry that small, extra weight, no sweat. But the library was about 3-4 miles away. After about a mile or two, it seemed those minor weights were starting to become a major inconvenience. Those books were starting to weigh me down. I was uncomfortable. I couldn’t get into a rhythm. It was starting to get hard. The weight felt heavier and heavier.
When I finally reached the dropbox outside the library and dropped off my books, I couldn’t get over the weight that had been lifted. Suddenly, I felt lighter and could run faster. The difference was dramatic.
That incident reminds us of an important life lesson.
What are you holding onto that’s keeping you bogged down? What are you worried or anxious about?
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
You may be holding onto something you think is so small, like the books I was running with. It may seem insignificant, but over time, it’s making your life harder and heavier and more uncomfortable.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
Is it a problem with a loved one? Is it anger? Is it doubt? Is it something someone did to you? Maybe a friend hurt you? Maybe you feel a boss wronged you? Give it to God. He can manage each of our concerns.
Whatever it is, it’s time to let it go. Free yourself from even the tiniest things that are bogging you down. I want you to read this:
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
Read it again — but this time emphasize all. ALL.
Give ALL your worries and cares to God.
Because he deeply cares about YOU.
Give them ALL to Him. The big cares, the little worries you have — He wants them all.
It’s then and only then, when we give it ALL to Him that we can be free.
Prayer: Father, thank You for this day. Thank You for being with us, guiding us and caring so deeply about us. Lord, we ask for Your peace when we become anxious, knowing that we can cast all of our worries, our problems, our trials on You. Thank You that You are our Rock and our Redeemer and a very present help in our time of need. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.