Spring into Rest

As Spring approaches, we prioritize cleaning out the mess of our lives, whether from a closet purge, a kitchen sink scrub, or a deep clean of your car. As Spring rolls around and the Sun lingers a little longer, we desire to jump into action with our lives. The question for you is, do you need more action and duties, or is your soul desiring rest? Prior to Spring we consume our winter with Holiday festivities that seem to never end and then we jump into the New Year with a list of resolutions and to dos for the next season.

Take a moment to examine your habits and your heart. Have you given yourself time to rest? Have you given yourself time to rest in God?

Sometimes, we can become so acquainted with business that we do not take time to rest, and we forget how to do so.

The Bible says in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (NKJV)

We can find the rest that our souls desperately need by pausing and seeking quiet time with the Lord. Don’t be weighed down by the things needing to be done. Take note that Jesus in this scripture passage says “My yoke is easy…” a yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is tightly fastened around the necks of two animals which is attached to a plow. Imagine that weight! Jesus offers that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. What load have you been carrying that you may not even know is too much right now?

Take some time and give each thing, whether it seems big or small, and lay it down at the feet of Jesus. Don’t allow yourself to become burnt out by to-dos or worries. Christ is carrying everything for you, you only need to be still. As Spring approaches, find ways to enjoy this season while fixing your eyes on the Lord.

Three practical ways to introduce rest in this Spring season:

  • Take a prayer walk: Take a lunch break or an evening stroll, and just talk to God. Enjoy the stillness and beauty of Spring and share your concerns, worries, and even praises with the Lord.
  • Set aside a rest day: Take a day a week this Spring to allow yourself to rest. Make this day slow and relaxed, focusing on God and doing what you enjoy to God’s glory. That could be lounging and reading a book on the porch or baking that dessert you’ve been dying to try but haven’t had the time for.
  • Time in the Word of God: It may seem simplistic, but our ultimate rest comes from the Lord. If you have not already set time in your day to read the Word, find a time when you can quiet your mind before God, asking for His help to focus your attention on Him and let the Word of God wash over you.

If you are looking to refocus on growing your relationship with God in the beautiful and quiet Blue Ridge Mountains check out The Cove’s Personal Spiritual Retreats. You can take a stay at the comfortable Cove lodging with delicious meals that provided, as well as a notebook containing journaling pages and study materials to guide you in a time of personal prayer and reflection. Check out our events link to see when you can book your Personal Spiritual Retreat. thecove.org/events/