Shield of Faith
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Ephesians 6:16, NIV
We are continuing to look at the Armor of God found in Ephesians 6. The next piece of armor – the shield of faith.
Back during Paul’s time, warriors in battle carried a huge oblong shield, which was made of two sections of wood and covered with leather. The soldier then soaked the shield in water. When the warrior thrust his shield forward to protect himself, fiery arrows sank into the wood and were immediately extinguished.
FAITH can extinguish those fiery darts in our lives.
What fiery darts are thrown at you?
Raise your SHIELD of faith. Faith is having complete trust in Jesus Christ. Raise your shield, stay close to Jesus, so HE will protect you from the fiery darts in our lives.
Think your situation will never improve? That’s a fiery dart.
*Take up the shield of faith and say – “Nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37)
For every negative thing the enemy throws at you – take up your shield of faith and push back against the enemy.
Speak God’s Word. This isn’t passive—it’s active. Raise your SHIELD!
Prayer: Father, as we face this new day – help us for what lies ahead. Sometimes it seems like the journey is long, and we are tired. Strengthen us today, Lord.
We Strap on the belt of truth — knowing who God is, knowing His Word.
We fasten the Breastplate of righteousness – protect our hearts, Lord.
We put on the shoes of peace – knowing we carry the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
And Lord, we take up your shield of faith – for any fiery darts that may come our way. Thank You that in Jesus, we have the victory. No matter what tactics the enemy may throw at us, God has everything under control. In Jesus’ mighty name.