

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.”
(Colossians 1:13) 

Paul wrote this letter to the people of Colossae while he was in prison. He wanted to encourage the church there, which was an outgrowth of his ministry in Ephesus. Earlier in this passage, Paul encouraged and reminded the Colossian believers of how important it is to be thankful and grateful, no matter the circumstance. “And giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light” (Colossians 1:12). Then, immediately after we learn “why” it’s important to give thanks: “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Colossians 1:13). God had rescued Paul from darkness, and brought him into a new kingdom filled with redemption and love. Only Jesus is the answer to sin and the dominion of darkness. By grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, God delivered us from darkness, doom, and destruction, and transferred us into the kingdom of His beloved Son.

God, our heavenly Father, wants to rescue us and save us. We are stranded and trying to dodge problems. We don’t know which way to turn. We are scared, confused, and alone. But God, in His infinite love and mercy, pursues us and rescues us through Jesus. He wants us to be safe and loved.

God sent His only Son into the world to die on the cross to take up all the things we’ve done wrong. All of our problems, all of our sins were placed upon Jesus. Jesus did nothing wrong. But He died for you and for me. That’s how much God loves you.


He died and took our sins so we could have a personal, loving relationship with God our Father.

It doesn’t matter what we’ve done. When we surrender it all to Him, He can change our lives forever. We are only guaranteed today.  

Who can you share this message with today? Maybe God has placed someone on your heart who needs to be rescued.

And if you need to be rescued, would you pray this prayer?

Just say, “Jesus, please help me. I need you. I have messed up and I’m so sorry. I know you died on the cross for all I’ve done wrong. I believe in you. I surrender it all to you. I make you my Lord and Savior.”