Kendra’s Bible Study…Nehemiah 4:13-15

Welcome to Kendra Graham’s online Bible study.  This is a place where we can come together and share in our journey towards Scriptural truths and spiritual maturity.  We pray this will be a safe, respectful, resourceful place to come and discuss God’s Word…to discover What it says…What it means…and What it means to you!

Kendra Graham NOTES from Nehemiah 4:13-15 

In this step you need to list the outstanding facts of the passage.  DON’T get caught up in the details, just list the facts.  Do not paraphrase.  Use the actual words of the passage.  This is God’s Word, a lot of times this step seems tedious to some, but I urge you, as we read, and say and write God’s Word, it begins to sink deep into our hearts.  If you just pick one fact out of the verse, write it down and meditate on it.

13:  I stationed men in the lowest parts, exposed places, in families with their swords, spears, and bows. 

14:  When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, officials and people: Do not be afraid of them, remember the Lord who is great and awesome; fight for your brothers, sons, daughters, wives and houses. 

15: When our enemies heard God had frustrated their plan, all of us returned to the wall, to his work. 

Look for a lesson to learn from each fact.  What are the people doing that they should be doing?  What are the people doing that they shouldn’t be doing?

Is there a command to follow?  A promise to claim?  A warning to heed? An example to follow? 

13:  Do not panic, don’t run, be courageous.  Be on guard. Don’t live in denial, know where the weakness lies and fortify!  Nehemiah’s people will not go out looking for a fight, but the people of God will be ready to make a stand if need be. STAND. 

14:  It is important to remember who we serve.  He that is in us (me!) is greater than he that is in the world…. easy to say, hard to believe.  It is important to remember what is at stake as well (our families’ present and future generations).  The STAND you make and the STAND I make TODAY matters! Courage now. 

15:  Often times when the enemy sees it will not be an easy victory, and we will just not hand over the keys to the city and rights to our lives, the enemy will back down and we can get back to work. 

Take the lessons you learned and put them into the form of a personal question that you would ask your spouse, or a friend or your son or daughter.

As you write the questions, listen for God to communicate to you through His Word.

*Do not rush.  Do not write things down just to have something on paper, this step takes more time that you may think.   This is where Scripture meditation becomes real, this is where you begin to hear that still small voice speak to you, and place His finger in your life and begin to direct your paths…. this day, and the next, and the next.  Do you trust Him enough to put into place that which He is moving you to?

13:  Where has God placed me to make a stand?  What places in my life, in my church, in my family, on the job, need to be fortified?  Do I tend to respond in panic when attacks are imminent or do face them in the power and strength of God’s Word and promises?   

14:  Have I sidelined myself not thinking that what I may or may not do for God matters? When have I made a stand for Christ and when do I wish I had the courage to make a stand for Christ?

Lord, help me today, where I am to be able to make a stand for You.  Whether it is with my children as I break up an argument, or at work while my co-workers strike up  conversation, or anywhere I may be.  Give me confidence in Your Word and Your promises as I stand on them today.

Homework: Nehemiah 4:20-23

Get stuck?  and Anne will walk through the Three Questions with you and help you along!