Judging Others

“Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.”

(NKJV), Romans 2:1

I have been guilty of judging others many times. Frequently, it is when I am driving and someone is going ‘too slow’ or cuts me off, and I judge them as uncaring or selfish. Other times, I find myself judging someone because of a decision they made or a reaction that I consider overreacting.

Romans 2:1 reminds us that we should not judge others as we are no different.

It is easy to forget in the moment, but actions have an underlying cause. When we see someone seemingly overreacting over something small, they may be expressing their pain from a recent loss instead. When people drive slowly or rush through traffic, it could be for a medical reason. If someone makes a questionable decision, they may be in a place of confusion and need direction.

It is important to remember we have all been in a similar situation where we act in certain ways because of reasons others may not see or understand at first glance.

Only God knows the reasons for a person’s actions, and only He can justly judge others. As humans, we cannot fully understand other’s reasonings, just as others cannot understand ours.

However, we can remember we are all children of God who express our struggles differently.

“I have never met a person who didn’t have problems of some kind. This is why we need one another’s encouragement,” Billy Graham in Quotes.

Even in the little things, trust God’s judgment and refrain from our own. Instead, use His mercy and remember we all have reasons hidden beneath the surface.

Join us at The Cove for a Personal Spiritual Retreat to spend time alone with the Lord surrounded by His natural beauty.