Delay Does Not Mean Denial – TRUST in God’s Timing
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
–Ecclesiastes 3:11
This verse is a great reminder of God’s perfect timing. “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
God is Sovereign. There is nothing that happens that is outside God’s influence and authority.
God is Omniscient. He is all knowing. This includes the past and the future. God is aware of everything.
Are you waiting on something?
Have you ever been on a plane, sitting on the runway – waiting to take off? It may have seemed like forever. And you may have thought, “What is taking so long?”
But what you may not have realized, the pilot was in constant communication with the folks in the control tower who worked behind the scenes to make sure your plane took off safely.
When we go through challenges, where we are waiting, be encouraged that God sees it all. He is all knowing and He is working behind the scenes in HIS perfect timing for your good and His great purpose.
Hold on.
Maybe God is protecting you.
Believe He’s getting things ready.
Believe He’s paving the way for you.
God is your pilot.
Trust Him.
Prayer: Father, we thank You that You are Sovereign. We praise You that You are all knowing. You know everything that is going on in our lives. You are all powerful. Lord, help us, guide us, lead us, when we are waiting, when we are walking through tough times to lean on You. Help us to have patience that You know the big picture and You have a perspective that’s much wiser than our own. Help us to trust in Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.