Comfort in Grief

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”

(NKJV) Mathew 5:4

Perhaps it stems from the heartbreaking goodbye to a loved one or the feeling of losing something we once had or hoped for. Regardless of the path we take to get there, grief is a place we all find ourselves in at times.

As the tears flow and the heart, aches, sometimes it can feel as though grief is unbeatable and we are alone in our pain. In our mourning, we may question why things happened and feel that no one else can understand.

I know I felt these things in my season of loss. Some days, it was so overwhelming that I felt I could not move due to the weight of my heart.

However, Mathew 5:4 reminds us that the Lord hears our cries and will comfort us.

God takes special notice of those who are mourning. He understands how overwhelming and disheartening grief can be and does not ignore us. His arms are open to embrace us, pain and all, and He will provide His comfort and peace.

During my travels through grief, I felt a peace and strength that only He could provide.

As we travel through grief, the Lord is our shelter. He is where we can lay our hurting hearts to heal. He supplies us with the strength to continue on the path laid for us. He is the one who accompanies us on this challenging journey.

So when we enter grief and begin to mourn, remember we are not alone and seek out His comfort.